An Oriental Perspective on Winter Wellness

In Chinese Medicine theory, there are five natural elements that exist within us, as they do in nature. Each season belongs to a particular element and has unique correspondences. When we study nature’s patterns and cycles, we can learn how to support our own health and stay well year-round.

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Yin Studio
How a Gratitude Practice Can Alleviate Anxiety

Gratitude is the ability to pay attention to what you have and not to worry about what you don’t have. Too many people live by the if and then model – if I buy this then I will feel happy, if I lose weight, then I’ll be happy. We live by the negativity bias – in Australia we are 7 times more likely to notice a negative than a positive. When you take time to appreciate the simple things in each day, you’re also able to be happier with the simple things each day. Studies show that when we take time to look for and cogitate on the good things that happen every day, after one month our brains start scanning the world for positives rather than negatives. This is turn develops into more positive emotions, improvements in health, a better ability to deal with adversity and stronger relationships.

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Can Chinese Medicine Help Asthma?

In Australia, it is now the most widespread chronic health problem, affecting over 2 million Australians and is most prevalent in 14-24 year olds. Did you know that acupuncture and Chinese Medicine has a long history of helping people to deal with the symptoms of asthma in a safe and effective way. Here is a case study of one patient who had an amazing outcome.

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What are the Three Questions Your Acupuncturist Will Ask You?

In sharing tales about their acupuncture experiences, most folks remark upon the extensive and seemingly peculiar set of questions their acupuncturist asks during the consultation. While the exact nature of this conversation varies from practitioner to practitioner, there are several questions that find their way into almost every consultation. What are the three that are always asked and why?

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