Can Chinese Medicine Help Asthma?

Asthma is a chronic disease of the airways that makes breathing difficult. With asthma, there is inflammation of the air passages that results in a temporary narrowing of the airways that carry oxygen to the lungs. This results in asthma symptoms, including coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness.

In Australia, it is now the most widespread chronic health problem, affecting over 2 million Australians and is most prevalent in 14-24 year olds. Below are some facts from the 2004-05 National Health Survey (the most recent):

  • Adult asthma sufferers are more likely to have time away from work or study than those without asthma (10% vs. 7%).

  • Children aged 5-14 years with asthma are more likely to have had days away from school in the last two weeks than children without asthma (22% vs. 14%).

  • Asthma is the leading cause of school absenteeism in primary school-aged children.

  • Of people aged 18 years and over with asthma, 5% have very high, 9% have high, 18% have moderate and 34% have a low level of psychological distress. In comparison to those without asthma, 2% have very high, 5% have high, 15% have moderate and 43% have low levels of psychological distress.

Cases of asthma were first recorded in Chinese Medicine as early as Han dynasty, about 1800 years ago.

I am starting to see asthma and hay-fever cases coming in now as Autumn turns to Winter. The dry, cool air exacerbates these symptoms. These are usually cases of seasonal asthma however occasionally I see someone with chronic asthma that severely affects their quality of life. One such case was Lynne, whom I first saw in 2019.

When Lynne started acupuncture her asthma and allergy symptoms were so severe that she needed to curtail her exercise and was taking large doses of steroids and inhalers. Lynne had been athletic her entire life but at age 45 she found she was experiencing breathing problems and allergy reactions. I have found that women entering peri-menopause often experience new health disorders due to hormonal changes. Hormonal imbalances in females in their 40s, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, may cause an excess of Yang or heat and dryness and a deficiency of Yin or cool fluids which can create symptoms of inflammation and irritation in the respiratory system. 

Lynne had a history of mild allergies and childhood asthma so her respiratory tract and sinuses were her weak areas. She had to stop running and swimming and was relying heavily on steroids and decongestants and had gained weight due to these medications and inactivity. No surprise she also was feeling fatigued, irritable and depressed when she started acupuncture. There are a number of ways to treat allergies and asthma with acupuncture. The diagnosis and treatment plan always depends on the constitutional presentation of the patient. After careful evaluation of Lynne’s symptoms, history and her unique pulse and tongue diagnosis I came to the diagnosis of dry heat in the Lungs and Yin and blood deficiency. A course of acupuncture treatments focusing on tonifying the Yin or female energy and nourishing the Lungs and fluids quickly turned Lynne around. She is now competing in mini triathlons and I’m very happy to provide maintenance treatments when she experiences some breathing problems during high allergy season. She’s also very grateful when I give her acupuncture to help her with the minor strains and pains she gets from her vigorous training. 


In asthma treatments, there are two different approaches depending on the patients’ condition. In a stable condition, the treatment plan will focus on tonifying kidney, spleen and lungs, improving immune system and preventing the acute onset of asthma. In an acute condition, the treatment will focus on relieving the symptoms as soon as possible. When this is under control, the treatments progress to the tonifying model.

How To Get Started

Free 15 Minute Consultation
Why Not Book In For A Free 15 Minute Mini-Consultation - Come In And Spend Some Time Talking About Your Health.  Whether You Decide To Work With Me Or Not, You Will Leave The Session Knowing That There Are Concrete Things You Can Do To Feel Better And More In Control.

Initial Treatment and Consultation
If you are keen to get started right away, you can book online for a consultation and treatment. An ongoing treatment program may include Chinese herbs, supplements, dietary and lifestyle recommendations.

Cathy Bell,

Doctor of Chinese Medicine,

Registered Acupuncturist AHPRA

Yin Studio:

Founded in 2006 by Cathy Bell, Yin Studio has become a sought-after health and wellness clinic, known for its warm, inviting atmosphere and sincere, compassionate care for its patients.

Cathy Bell provides results-oriented, natural wellness care for people of all ages. Her goal with each patient is a long-term, self-sustained shift in core factors that determine health and wellness. These core factors bridge all levels of being — physical, psychological, even spiritual.

My mission is simple: To support YOUR health and goals, and help you make the most of them. Whether you want to complement your conventional medical treatments with natural support, or go with a 100% natural solution, I do my best to help you achieve the best outcome possible. Treatments are based on getting results as quickly and efficiently as possible. Results matter, and I am proud of a proven history of positive outcomes.

Your body’s natural healing intelligence never forgets how to restore balance and vitality to every cell, tissue, and organ. All you have to do is give it the right support. At Yin Studio you are an active participant in the healing process. You will be educated on the proper way to get your healing system back on track via a targeted, customised treatment plan that will include one or more of the following: acupuncture, nutrition, herbs, lifestyle/mind-body coaching.