Posts in Womens Health
Podcast Recommendation

Podcasts accompany people during long commutes, workouts at the gym, and downtime in the bathtub, among other places. If you’re wondering if that’s a good thing, it may help you to know that podcasts interact with your brain in the same way stories do. A 2016 study found that listening to podcasts stimulates multiple areas of both the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Accessing information via the human voice can generate activity in parts of the brain responsible for memory, sensory activity, and emotion.

Here’s a podcast suggestion for you with lots of interesting and scientific facts about health.

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Balancing Oestrogen

Oestrogen and progesterone are partners in a way and need to be in balance to offset the actions of each other. This also means even if you do have a healthy amount of oestrogen but your ratio between the two in the varying stages of the cycle are not balanced, you may also notice negative symptoms.
Oestrogen dominance or excess of oestrogen can happen at any age but the most common time period is between 35 and 50. Find out what you can do to balance your hormones naturally …

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How to Improve a Thin Endometrium Naturally

The endometrium is the lining of the uterus. It is one of the few organs in the human body that changes in size every month throughout a person’s fertile years. Each month, as part of the menstrual cycle, the body prepares the endometrium to host an embryo. Endometrial thickness increases and decreases during the process.

Two hormones, oestrogen and progesterone, prompt these cycles of endometrial growth and its shedding through menstruation if a pregnancy does not develop.

What factors can cause an endometrial lining to be too thin?

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Acupuncture During Pregnancy

With all the poking and prodding that comes along with pregnancy, you may wonder whether getting stuck with needles voluntarily is something you’d want to add to the list. But when it comes to banishing some pregnancy woes like morning sickness, pelvic pain, fatigue, insomnia and headaches, many mothers-to-be sing the praises of acupuncture.

In fact, scientific research backs this up as you will see in the following article.

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The Myth Around Painful Periods

An unspoken myth that I find myself constantly busting for my female patients is that periods are meant to be painful. This is not so, ladies! I’ve worked with many women who have basically trained themselves to endure such severe pain that it completely disrupts their lives, leaving them to miss work or other important obligations while staying home curled up in a ball for hours or even days. Periods often get a bad rap because of this; I’m here to tell you that your periods can and should be far less eventful AND definitely allow you to carry on with life without interruption.

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Understanding Vitality

Have you ever felt tired for long periods of time even after a nights sleep? Have you felt tension in your back or shoulders regularly? In times of huge pressure, uncertain situations and where sustained effort is required, our vitality is crucial. It's easy to get into a downward spiral and end up with adrenal fatigue, making mistakes and crashing out exhausted. Would you like to feel more energised and refreshed and feeling more alive every day as well as more resilient and able to cope with change?

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