Posts in Womens Health
Creating the Space for a Baby

Are you always in a rush? Do you miss breakfast or grab something to eat on the move? Maybe you go from one activity to the next without taking a break? Do you eat lunch at your desk? Or get home late from work and feel so exhausted that you don’t have enough energy to cook, exercise or socialise?

This kind of busy energy can put your body into a state of chronic stress. You’re not in full flight or flight, but you’re not relaxed either. It feels like you’re always on. Always in stress mode. There’s always tension in your body. You might have stiff shoulders, headaches or period pains. These are all signs that you’re too busy.

This kind of busy energy means that you constantly produce stress hormones, which disrupt your sex hormones and can stop you from getting pregnant.

If you want to change this pattern, look at how you can slow down and create space.

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Endometriosis Demystified ...

The most common go-to treatments are contraceptives (which are a band-aid at best) or a laparoscopy. This can create additional scar tissue and ultimately add to the issue. Did you know that studies show that acupuncture and herbs combined help to reduce the pain and inflammation of endometriosis, as well as regulate the menstrual cycle and improve anxiety and tension.

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Why A Diagnosis of Premature Ovarian Failure is not always what it seems ...

I have just finished treatment with a 31-year-old patient who was told by more than one doctor that she was in Premature Ovarian Failure (essentially early menopause) and would need donor eggs.

Since starting treatments in October 2019 she's had 2 periods and has ovulated twice according to her ovulation predictor kits...

...once in Nov, and once in Dec.

Apparently, her ovaries weren't "failing" at all.

And, because she is still relatively young (based on my 10+ years' experience in this realm), I'm predicting she'll be pregnant within 3-6 months at the MOST.

So what happened? Read more …

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How to Sail through Menopause

The change’, ‘the time of life’ – call it what you will, it is an unavoidable fact that all women go through menopause. However, for many women this natural process is a time of anxiety and distress due to the various symptoms that can accompany it. Some menopausal changes can also be brought about by treatments for cancer, including chemotherapy, ovarian ablation and hormone therapy. What can acupuncture and Chinese medicine do to help you sail through this transition with energy and vitality.

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How Debbie Conceived Despite Low AMH

AMH, if you’re unfamiliar, supposedly tests your ovarian reserve to predict your fertility potential. Without digging into why I think this test is extremely questionable (and therefore certainly not something I see as a defining result), I see women’s AMH results dramatically improve after following a few simple steps which we will dig into here today. That tells me one of two things – either we are not born with all of our eggs (I think likely since every other cell in our body has the ability to replicate) OR this test isn’t accurate. Whatever the reason, it doesn’t really matter. Let’s just improve your hormones as much as possible and maximise your fertility on the whole to set you up for your best possible outcome. Read this patient case study…

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Addressing Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) with Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

Because so many women experience PMS symptoms, most assume it is normal and don’t seek help. Diet and lifestyle choices can heavily influence hormone balance, and therefore PMS symptoms.

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine balance internal regulatory systems such as the nervous system, the endocrine system, and the neuroendocrine system. Studies show that acupuncture effectively treats and manages PMS symptoms. In a study comparing pharmaceutical treatment with acupuncture, women who received acupuncture were 1.5 times more likely to have PMS symptoms improve compared to those on hormonal medications.

Think of these signs and symptoms as a signal. Pain and discomfort can be the body communicating that there is an imbalance within. Take this time to listen to the body without judgement and treat it with the respect and care it deserves. 


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