Many people report that they fall asleep easily, but wake at the same time in the middle of the night. This can be incredibly frustrating, especially if you can't fall back asleep and wake up tired the next day. The concept of an “Organ Clock" in Chinese medicine is a useful tool in understanding why this occurs.
Read MoreMany patients ask me if acupuncture can help treat insomnia. The answer is an emphatic yes! Insomnia is typically characterised as an inability to fall asleep, stay asleep, or waking up groggy in the morning.
I’m sure everyone has experienced this from time to time. Is there anything more frustrating than lying in bed staring at the ceiling knowing you should be asleep?
While insomnia can be temporary due to changes in schedule or new stresses in your life, hopefully it is not a persistent issue for you. Today I want to talk about chronic insomnia. Chronic insomnia isn’t just frustrating; it can have a major impact on your quality of life and your health. Sleep may seem to be a period of rest for us, but for our body and brain it is a period of activity during which our bodies restore and rejuvenate.
If you’re a chronic sufferer, acupuncture for migraines can provide an excellent alternative to complement your medical treatments. Acupuncture is a well-known component of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). TCM has been practiced for thousands of years and includes the use of herbal medicines and mind-body practices.
Yin Studio offers acupuncture for migraines to help patients find their own balance between lifestyle adjustments, medical therapies and alternative treatments. If you have been struggling with migraines and headaches, acupuncture may provide an excellent supplement to the existing medical therapies you have tried.
Read MoreSummer is finally in full swing—which means cute sandals and sunglasses, beach vacations, and ridiculously scorching weather. If you're feeling the heat, literally, you’re not alone.
Hot temperatures can mess with your body in all sorts of sneaky ways, and that isn’t just the threat of sunburn or sweating through your outfit on the way to work. Here are five common ways that hot, humid weather takes a toll on your health and how acupuncture can assist to relieve them.
Read MoreBursitis refers to the inflammation of a bursa. A bursa is a fluid filled sac that prevents friction between bony surfaces and soft tissues in the body, especially in or around joints. When one of these bursae is inflamed, it becomes swollen and painful.
The inflammation of a bursa may occur as a result of excessive movement or pressure on the bursa, direct impact, infection or other diseases that may affect the joint and its environs (eg. arthritis, gout etc).
Read MoreWhether you know a little bit about acupuncture, have never heard of it, or know all about it and have decided that it’s not for you—take a look at these reasons that may be holding you back from giving it a whirl, and see if you want to reevaluate your assumptions!
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