The Difference Between Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, and Dry Needling

Are you confused about all the different terms being bandied about in the health and wellness industry. In the past decade, dry needling has gained popularity. What is it exactly and is it the same as acupuncture?

Well, in a nutshell, NO. Dry needling is a basic Western practice compared to a deep Eastern philosophy. On top of that, dry needling only targets pain, whereas acupuncture treats a wide range of ailments including pain.

Though these practices are similar in some respects, the philosophy that they're based on is very different. The training for acupuncture is a 4 year degree as opposed to a 30 hour course for dry needling. Please be aware who is sticking needles into you and what is their training exactly?

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Yin Studio
Spring is the best time for baby-making...

If you were considering starting a family soon, Spring is an excellent time according to Chinese medicine.  According to Chinese medicine, seasons really do affect fertility. Chinese medicine looks to the energetic cycles of the universe for health answers; the female and male energies - also known as yin and yang - rise and fall throughout the year.

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Unexplained Infertility - or can it be explained?

In Australia, it is estimated that 20% of couples are suffering from infertility at any given time. This number has increased steadily over the last 50 years, which has lead researchers to blame everything from increased maternal age to toxic overload. However 10% of all infertile couples will not be able to find out why they cannot conceive. The medical profession is left to shrug its collective shoulders and explain to these people that they are something of a mystery. They are offered assisted reproductive techniques but without a clear idea of what is being fixed, the outcome remains uncertain.

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The Importance of a Pregnant Pause...

Pregnancy is considered to be a time of joy and fulfilment. However, all the stressors of everyday life do not come to a standstill during this time. In addition, some other pregnancy-specific factors get added including physiological changes in pregnancy, common pregnancy ailments, concerns regarding safe pregnancy and labour, and the worries related to parenting and wellbeing of the child.

Relaxation is a necessary skill to allow you to cope with the changes and stresses during pregnancy and to ensure an easy pregnancy and labour.

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What is a Healthy Gut?

Your stomach is responsible for a whole lot more than just reminding you to eat lunch and digesting it afterward. It’s part of a system that’s essential to making your weight healthy, your immune response strong and your mood positive. To keep it humming along, find out how to settle four common upsets.

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