IVF Reproductive Assitance

Yin Studio works with anyone who may be undergoing Assisted Fertility Technology treatments like IVF and IUI, donor eggs, surrogates or have an LGBTQIA growing family.

“Scientific studies have shown again and again that Acupuncture can increase IVF success rates dramatically, in some cases up to 60% over the norm.”

Rest assured, you have found an experienced practitioner with a long track record helping IVF patients of all ages successfully conceive and give birth to healthy babies.

Our unique blend of acupuncture along with expert guidance on supplements and diet specific to optimising the IVF process has evolved over the last decade. As a result of the effectiveness of this highly refined process, over 70% of the patients we see who are undergoing IVF end up giving birth to healthy babies.

Success of IVF (and IUI) depend just as much on the state of your body as a normal pregnancy. Healthy response to drugs, optimum egg quality, and a receptive uterine lining are essential for a high probability of pregnancy and healthy delivery of a baby. By incorporating our unique process combining acupuncture, stress-reduction, lifestyle and dietary guidance , your chances of success are maximised to the fullest.