
Emotional Wellbeing



It is estimated that one in five Australians – roughly five million people – have suffered from mental health issues over the past year. Mental illnesses are far more than feeling sad or stressed - they can have debilitating effects on our cognition and emotional balance. Unfortunately conventional medications often have distressing side effects. These factors have lead to the popularity of holistic therapies such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture.

A good portion of my practice are patients with high levels of stress. They are usually looking for a safe and effective alternative to medication such as anti-depressants. Research reviews have found that acupuncture can effectively relieve depression and anxiety, both alone and alongside other treatments. Studies also demonstrate a rise in mood-regulating neurotransmitters (brain chemicals), such as dopamine and noradrenaline, as well as a reduction in inflammation. Imbalanced neurotransmitters and inflammation are two major underlying causes of depression and anxiety.

The Comprehensive Emotional Resilience program has been created for those suffering from anxiety, depression, PTSD, insomnia, stress and adrenal burnout. Deeply restorative and healing, this program deals holistically with the symptoms and underlying causes as well as addressing stress management techniques and recovery from a mind, body and spirit perspective.  It also prepares you to make the best of future challenges and opportunities by helping you to maintain your balance and resilience during stressful times.  Combining Chinese medicine therapies, herbs, supplements, nutrition and lifestyle coaching to support your progress. 

Everyone responds to stress and emotional distress differently. Prolonged stress can led to physical and emotional symptoms such as; digestive issues, premenstrual tension, insomnia, skin disorders, headaches, high blood pressure and fatigue. Chinese Medicine believes that prolonged emotional states can lead to anxiety disorders, depression, and reduced immune function.

It can be hard to take the first step. This is why you can book in a FREE 15 minute consultation either online or in person with Cathy Bell to discuss how Yin Studio can assist you to regain control of your life.