Posts in Wellbeing
9 Worst Habits

“If you do the work you get rewarded. There are no shortcuts in life.” — Michael Jordan

You have to make an effort to be happy.

No one wakes up feeling happy every day, but happy people do their best to frame their mornings with positivity. They work harder at it than anyone else because they recognise that happiness takes inner-work and effort.

They constantly reflect and evaluate, monitor, and explore and eliminate bad habits of thinking that can derail their positivity. Find out what they are …

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2023 - Year of the Rabbit

As the Year of the Tiger comes to an end on Jan. 21 and the Year of the Rabbit begins, we can expect an abrupt change of pace as we say goodbye to the roaring tiger and hello to the milder rabbit. Chinese New Year officially starts on January 22nd and 2023 is the year of the Yin Water Rabbit. Hop into the Year of the Rabbit with positive energy and hope for a bright year ahead. In Chinese culture, the rabbit is a symbol of longevity, peace, and prosperity.

Read on to see what else is in store for 2023 ….


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Men's Health Part 2

In Men’s Health Part 1, we focused on health problems that many modern men face—from stress, insomnia and memory loss, to back problems, joint pains, urinary and sexual function problems. The underlying cause of these issues is usually always related to a Kidney energy deficiency. So how does traditional Chinese medicine respond?

TCM treats me n’s health issues with natural methods that create lasting health without side effects. Prevention is the true specialty of Chinese medicine. We educate men about the benefits of natural healing techniques and balanced lifestyle choices so they can build and maintain their health.

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Men's Health Part 1


When we talk about men’s health—about ways men can build strength and maintain their power as they age—there are two basic directions: short-term gains at the expense of the body or true long-term wellness. Chinese medicine focuses on healing for the long term. It understands health in terms of Qi, or energetic life force. Its goal is to build real health from the inside-out.

Chinese medicine is based on Universal law. It follows a deep understanding of how the function of the human energy system impacts the health of the whole person—body, mind, emotions and spirit. It also sees that the body is deeply impacted by the environment. This model of health was true in ancient times and still functions effectively today.

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You and the Five Elements

Do you prefer soft floating fabrics or something more structured and formal? Do you love being by water or prefer walking in the country? Are you quick to anger or someone who keeps things bottled up? Are you naturally lean and muscular or is your body more curvy and rounded? Do you come alive in the summer sun or are you someone who loves to cocoon all winter? Are you a night owl or up with the lark? Do you crave sweets or is it the salty taste that has you rifling through your fridge late at night?

The ancient Chinese philosophers looked to the natural world to find a way of describing how we are similar, yet unique. They discovered that pretty much anything in the world could be broken down into five energy types, which they called the Five Elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, andWater.

So what element are you?

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